Moderation of Self-Control on The Relationship of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior in Women
Financial Literacy, Self-Control, Saving BehaviorAbstract
This study aimed to examine savings behavior of 97 women in the millennial generation and Gen Z group who live in rural areas. Recent surveys show that millennials and Gen Z recognize the importance of saving but only have savings that are enough to fulfill their life for three months. The research was conducted using a quantitative experimental between subject design method to answer questions regarding the influence of financial knowledge socialization on financial literacy. A non-experimental quantitative study was conducted to determine the moderating role of self-control on the influence of financial literacy on saving behavior through self-report on valid and reliable questionnaires and scales. The study results show that financial literacy and self-control have a role in explaining saving behavior (R2 = 0.52, p ≤ 0.05). Financial literacy has a significant positive impact in increasing saving behavior. Self-control also has an equally significant influence in explaining saving behavior. However, through testing the moderating role, self-control has a significant negative impact in influencing the relationship between financial literacy and saving behavior, this is interesting for further discussion.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Marieska Lupikawaty, Dewi Fadila, Sari Lestari Zainal Ridho, Welan Mauli Angguna, Claudia Nurcahaya, Sayyid Muhammad Fadhil

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