Published: September 30, 2021

Can Firm Size, Business Growth, Capital Structure and Social Responsibility Affect Earnings Response Coefficients?

81 - 89 Jannati Tangngisalu

Economic Analysis of the Use of Tourists on Tourism Objects in Makassar City

Dahliah Dahliah

Analysis of Patient Satisfaction in Mataram City, at the Start of the Pandemic Period, the Covid-19 Campaign

Nurul Hidayatai Indra Ningsih, Baiq Reinelda Tri Yunarti, Lalu Hendra Maniza

The Effect of Workload and Teamwork on Organizational Productivity

Wahyu Abadi; Setyo Riyanto

The Financial Technologies Utilization to Increase the Competitive Advantage of Product Marketing

Lilis Sugi Rahayu Ningsih; Lik Anah

The Influence of Organizational Culture and Work Motivation on Organizational Commitment

Nur Syamsu; Jumiati Syam

Can Operating, Investment and Funding Cash Flow Increase the Stock Price of a Food and Beverage Company

Budi Wahono; Khalikussabir

The Influence of Motivation, Ability and Experience on Employee Performance

Yana Fajriah; Nurhasni Muis; Risma Yanti, Ardiansyah Halim

The Influence of Investment Decisions, Dividend Policy and Capital Structure on Firm Value

Rusdiah Hasanuddin

The Effect of Training, Competence and Work Motivation on Employee Performance

Nurlaely Razak

Utilitarian Shopping Motives and Reference Groups on Online Fashion Product Purchase Decisions

Fitriani Latief; Asniwati

The Influence of Leadership Style and Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction

Irwan Usman; Nurhaeda

The role of leadership, communication and work environment in influencing employee performance

Dharmawati Djaharuddin

The Influence of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction

Ridwan; Yuswari Nur; Mariah

Effect of Security and Confidentiality and Readiness of Information Technology on the Use of E-Filing

Muhammad Adil; Endang Winarsih; Wahyuni

The Effect of Accounting Conservatism and Good Corporate Governance on Equity Valuation

Nurul Fuada

Work Experience, Competence, and Motivation are Significant Predictors of Employee Performance

Ratna Dewi

Management Accounting Practices and Performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Makassar City

Nurhidayah; Wahyuni

Can Ability, Commitment and Motivation Improve Employee Performance?

Ulfa Hidayati

The Influence of Political Party Funds on the Acquisition of seats in the DPR RI in the legislative elections

Andi Faisal; Siswadi Sululing; Asrini; Arif Masruhi

The Impact of Information and Word of Mouth on Customer Decisions to Use Mudharabah Savings at PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia Makassar Branch

Verawaty Verawaty