Published: March 28, 2024

A The Role of Self Control as a Moderating Variable on The Effect of Financial Inclusion on Financial Behavior

1-10 Meta Ardiana, Rachma Agustina; Dwi Pertiwi

The Influence of Packaging and Price on Consumer Buying Interest in Contemporary Beverage Products through Attitude as a Variable

11-19 Fadin Nur Rachman Fadin

The Influence of Organizational Culture and Work Motivation on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable at PT. Bengkulu Kokoh Perkasa

20-27 Rachmad Julius Fikri Rachmad; Arif Hartono

The Effect of Work Ability on Employee Creativity in the Digital Era in Mediating Work Motivation and Job Opportunities in Company Employees START UP Sleman, Yogyakarta

28-35 Jovie Armelinda Putri Seso Jovie, Muafi

Effects of Social Media Marketing on Buying Interest

36-46 Sopia Safitriyani Sopia; Istyakara Muslichah

Exploring e-Commerce Potential: Improving Sales Performance Through Product Innovation in The Agriculture Sector

47 - 56 Andi Macoa Gau, Nursahdi Saleh

Analysis of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

57-64 Rusdiaman Rauf, Semuel Pajala, Ronny Ahmad Asirie

The Effect of Relationship Marketing and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty at PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia

65-76 Verawaty Verawaty, Musdalifa Talawa

The Influence of Relationship Marketing and Banking Digitalization on Customer Loyalty Through Corporate Governance at Bank Mandiri KCP Sidrap

77-87 Verawaty Verawaty, Devi Damayanti Irwan, Ceskakusumadewi

The Effect of Tax Planning on Company Value in Manufacturing Companies in the Food and Beverage Sector Listed on the IDX

88-95 Asriani Junaid, Mushlih Saleh

Consequences of Ethical Behavior and Trust in the Sport Brand Industry in Indonesia

96-114 Kurniawati Kurniawati, Debora Galingging

The Role of Apparatus Competence, Community Participation and Control Systems on Village Fund Financial Accountability

115 - 129 Fahrudin Pasolo, Ricky Phylemon Kooh, Zakaria Zakaria, Yaya Sonjaya

Transformational Leadership Style, Transactional Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction

130 - 143 Latief Karim

Challenges and Innovations in Public Sector Accounting: A Comparative Analysis

144 - 155 Endang Yokbet Papare, Suratini Suratini, Fahrudin Pasolo

The Effect of Leadership on the Performance of State Civil Apparatus Through Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction

156 - 169 Dedi Kuswanto, M. Ridwan Rumasukun, Khusnul Khotimah