Published: March 31, 2023

The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Work Discipline on Job Performance among Maros District Education Office Employees

1-14 Rosdiana Rosdiana; Andi Syahrum; Rina

The Influence of Competence, Motivation, Loyalty, and Work Discipline on the Productivity of North Kalimantan Regional Police

15-22 Ambar Vitaningrum, Rina; Hafipah

The Effect of CSR, Intellectual Capital and GCG on Company Value with Financial Performance as a Moderating Variable in Food & Beverage Industry Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)

23-32 Andi Tenri Harahap, Andi Ratna Sari Dewi

Analysis of Leading Sector Development in the Mamminasata Region, South Sulawesi

33-46 Isramia Isramia; Sanusi Fattah, Retno Fitrianti

The Effect of Liquidity and Leverage on Firm Value Through Profitability at PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk

47-55 Ripaluddin Ripaluddin, Milka Pasulu; Ansar Taufiq

The Impact of Human Resources on the Rectorate of Universitas Hasanuddin Financial Performance

56-60 Khaeril Anwar Junaedi; Andi Ratna Sari Dewi

The Influence of Education Level, Job Satisfaction, and Compensation on the Performance of State Civil Apparatuses at the Mambi District Office

61-75 Dwyki Suhasdi; Rina; Andi Hendra Syam

The Effect of Financial Literacy and Online Shopping on Student Consumptive Behavior

76-82 Siti Azsahrah; Jumawan Jasman; Asriany, Muhammad Anugrah Ardhana

The Effect of Financial Literacy on Interest in Using Fintech Payments on the Shopee Application

83-89 Rahayu Rusli, Jumawan Jasman; Asriany, Muhammad Anugrah Ardhana

The Effect of Attitude and Trust on Behavioral Intention In The Modern Market Industry

90-102 Hafiz Jodith Arfansyah, Endy Gunanto Marsasi

The Influence of Tenure of Service Rewards, Job Satisfaction, and Work Environment on the Performance of Regional Inspectorate Employees in Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province

103-111 Acep Kristanto; Nurdin Latif; Yusram Adi

The Effect of Promotion, Work Experience, and Motivation on Employee Performance at the Regional Revenue Agency, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province

112-118 Sumiati Nurpi; Rina, Andi Hendra Syam

The Effect of Motivation and Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT. Pratomo Putra Teknik, City of Palopo

119-124 Meta Meta; Saharuddin; Muammar Khadapi

The Relationship between Work Motivation and Workload on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Pratomo Putra Teknik Palopo

125-132 Rima Rima; Indra Kusdarianto, Samsinar

The Influence of Communication Teamwork and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at PT. Pratomo Putra Teknik Palopo

133-137 Rika Rika; Indra Kusdarianto; Samsinar

The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance at the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) in Luwu Regency

138-144 Satri Satri; Adil Adil; Ahmad Suardi

Behavior of Political Elite Taxpayers and Political Connections to Tax Obligations during the COVID-9 Pandemic

145-169 Megawanti Megawanti; Alimuddin; Nirwana

The Effect of Information Technology Perceptions and Complaint Handling on Customer Interests in Using BMM Mobile at PT. Bank Maluku Malut KC Ternate

170-182 Verawaty Verawaty; Faradiba Satasya Salsabila Effendi

The Influence of Compensation and Competence on Employee Performance at the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office of Takalar Regency

183-190 A Rahmawati; Megawhati Artiyani; Rusdiaman Rauf; Sutriani S

The Influence of Location and Price on Shopping Decisions at Practical Gelael Makassar

191-199 Andi Irfan; Andi Nuryadin, Pahmi, Andi Alim

The Influence of Fadil Jaidi Influencer Attractiveness on Brand Engagement in Self-Concept, Brand Expected Values and Purchase Intentions on Recommended Products

200-213 Larasati Amanda Nurfadilah; Erlita Ridanasti