Published: September 1, 2023

The Effect of Financial Literacy on MSME Performance Through Financial Access and Financial Risk Attitude as a Mediation Variable

238-247 Anisa Salsabila Kemala Fikri; Katiya Nahda

The Effect of Hedonic Value and Utilitarian Value on Buying Interest with Consumer Attitudes as Mediation

248-258 Nida Al Hafiyya Nida; Sumadi

The Effect of eWOM and Price on Brand Image and Consumer Buying Interest of Somethinc in E-Commerce

259-270 Enrikha Jihan Shalsabila Jihan; Albari

The Effect of CSR and Consumer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty and Customer Trust in Sharia Banks

271-278 Alvianto Putra Ardiansyah, Muchsin Muthohar

The Influence of Fundamental and Macroeconomic Analysis on Stock Price

279-287 Adindah Novihartina Jafar

Differences in Brand Image Perceptions of Beras Kami and Mentik Wangi Rice among Bulog Kancab Semarang Customers

288-294 Dandi Maulana; Istyakara Muslichah

Factors Influencing Public Interest in Choosing Sharia Insurance at PT. Asuransi Askrida Syariah Medan

295-300 Angelia Azira; Isra Hayati

The Effectiveness of Pricing Strategy on Purchasing Decisions for Bookkeeping and Chasiers Paccounting Applications by Panemu

301-306 I Wayan Langit Baliage Wayan; Albari

Analysis of Non-Performing Credit Settlement at PT. Bank NTB Syariah

307-312 Nurul Hidayati Indra Ningsih Nurul, Baiq Reinelda Tri Yunarni, Mos Indrawati; Nur Lia, Artika Widiandari, Ersa Wahyuliati; Nurul Huda

Building Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Work Motivation: The Role of Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable

313-323 Bariyah Bariyah, Nanang Ismail Raharjo; Subur Yuswanto, Siti Nur Azizah

The Influence of Digital Marketing Communication on TikTok Social Media and Lifestyle on Beauty Product Purchase Intention (a case study of the Somethinc Brand)

324-334 Azlia Maharani; Sumadi Sumadi

The Influence of Service Quality, Price, and Promotion on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty for Spotify Premium

335-346 Dania Rizqi Ernanda Dania; Sumadi Sumadi

Petshop Business Performance Analysis: An Marketing Approach

347-355 Rusdiaman Rauf, Hardianti Hardianti; Muhammad Yunus

Implementation of Customer Engagement at PT. Bank Danamon Tbk, Makassar Branch Slamet Riyadi

356-362 Verawaty Verawaty, Azis Azis

Sustainbility of the Small Industrial Sector in The Face of Increasing BBM in Indonesia

363-374 Nurul haeriyah Ridwan

The Influence of Social Marketing Media and Digital Influencers on Fashion Purchase Decisions through Customer Reviews on the Shopee Marketplace

375-386 Verawaty Verawaty, Yayu Pratiwi Seran

The Effect of Financial Satisfaction to Financial Technology with Financial Planning as Mediation

387-398 Rachma Agustina, Meta Ardiana, Dwi Ari Pertiwi; Deasy Ervina

Financial Performance and Share Price of State-Owned Banks

399-409 Entis Sutisna, Kartim Kartim, Septyana Prasetianingrum, Yaya Sonjaya, Muhammad Yamin Noch

The Influence of Financial Literacy on the Consumptive Behavior of Students in the Management Study Program, Faculty of Business and Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

410-422 Sherina Arin Salsabila, Sri Mulyati